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40 Below Properties Reviews

Almost everyone knows several local real estate agents but selling your Fairbanks Alaska house to a direct cash buyer like 40 Below Properties may be a new concept for most. See how we’ve helped other local property owners sell with confidence, for a fair price, on your own schedule without traditional real estate hassles and fees.

Want to share your own experience with us? Send us a note to let us know what working with 40 Below Properties has been like for you.

“They were very understanding & helpful.”

“Bill & Tracy helped me out of a bind, I was struggling with selling my duplex, they came in with a solution and I was able to get what I wanted to get out from underneath it. They were very understanding & helpful.”

- Cody, Fairbanks Alaska

“Mr. Bill made me feel at ease every step of the way.”

“At first I was hesitant about selling my home. However, unexpectedly the transaction was a smooth experience thanks to Mr. Bill’s understanding and support. He was incredibly knowledgeable about the process and took the time to consider my financial situation. Mr. Bill made me feel at ease every step of the way. His willingness to work with me made all the difference and I couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out.”

- Ashley, Fairbanks Alaska

“I would definitely recommend Bill.”

“I had a home in North Pole Alaska that had frozen water and sewer, I owed back taxes, it was below zero and had just snowed 2 feet. The roof needed to be cleared to keep from falling in. The home needed to be cleared out of a lot of stuff. I do not live in the area and these obstacles were overwhelming. Bill made me an offer that definitely went down after inspection, which was understandable. His new offer, which at first seemed low, was what I walked away with after closing. I didn’t pay any closing costs, realtor fees, back taxes, or any costs involved in the transaction. I feel this was fair if you add in the taxes and fees I would have had to pay with a sale to anyone else. This was a fast closing as no contingencies were involved. I would definitely recommend Bill.”

- Kathryn, North Pole Alaska